By-Laws & Policies

Every township has by-laws and financial statements, and sometimes people need to see the details behind them. That's where these downloads can help. They're PDF files that include all the particulars of the most commonly requested by-laws. Scroll down for a description of each by-law and a chance to click and download your own copy. There are many more by-laws not included here, so if you don't find the one you're looking for, contact the municipal office at 705-282-0624 or If you have issues opening a document, please contact us for a copy in a different format or a hard copy.

Bylaw 2024-06 Being a bylaw for establishing the 2024 tax rate
Bylaw 2024-06 Adoption of tax rates.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB
Bylaw 2024-05 Being a Bylaw to establish 2024 tax ratio
Bylaw 2024-05 To Establish 2024 tax rati
Adobe Acrobat Document 565.4 KB
Bylaw 2024-04 Being a Bylaw to Govern Proceedings of Council
Bylaw 2024-04 Govern Proceeding of Counc
Adobe Acrobat Document 220.5 KB
Bylaw 2024-01 Being a Bylaw to Set Pay Ranges
Bylaw 2024-01 To Set Pay Ranges.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.6 MB
Bylaw 2024-02 Being a Bylaw to Appoint Officers
Bylaw 2024-02 To appoint Officers.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.2 MB
Bylaw 2024-03 Being a Bylaw to Amend Zoning Bylaw 80-9
Bylaw 2024-03 to amend zoning bylaw 80-9
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.2 MB
DRAFT - Bylaw 2022-08 - Short term rentals
Bylaw 2022-08 Short term rental By-Law(r
Microsoft Word Document 109.0 KB
2022 AMENDED Trailer By-law
Bylaw 2022-02 Trailer bylaw. AMENDED Aug
Microsoft Word Document 46.5 KB
Building Permit Fee Schedule
Building Permit Fees.docx
Microsoft Word Document 13.3 KB
Animal Control By-Law
This detailed download includes all the information you could ever want to know about keeping, controlling and licensing animals in the township.
Animal Control.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.0 MB
Entrances to Municipal Roads and Right of Ways
By-law to govern property owners responsibilities when planning to install property entrances to Municipal roads.
Entrances to Municipal Roads and Right o
Microsoft Word Document 15.7 KB
Unopened Road Allowance Bylaw 2021-02
Bylaw 2021-02 Unopened Road Allowance Po
Microsoft Word Document 30.4 KB
Municipal Marine Allowances By-Law
Are you thinking of doing some work on land that adjoins a lake? Better check out what's required in the way of permits. Download this PDF file for all the details.
Municipal Marine Allowances.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 286.4 KB
All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) By-Law
This by-law regulates the use of all-terrain vehicles on municipal roads in the township. It's legal to use them, you just need to follow the rules you'll find in this PDF.
ATV Bylaw.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 281.5 KB

Civil Marriage Solemnization By-Law
Planning to get married? No need to go anywhere else for the paperwork or ceremony. The Township of Burpee & Mills is authorized to issue marriage licenses and even hold the ceremony. All details (including costs) are found in this PDF.
Marriage Solemnization.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.6 MB

Workplace Anti-Violence, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment Policy By-Law 2017
Workplace Anti-Violence, Harassment, and
Microsoft Word Document 12.0 KB

Smoke-Free By-Law
This download covers all the details of our township regulations about smoking in public and at work. Signage requirements, enforcement and penalties are all explained in this download.
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB

Sale of Surplus Lands By-Law
This PDF explains the way the township sells land it no longer needs. Download a copy for details about tenders, fees and legal procedures.
Sale of Surplus Lands.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.7 MB

Township Purchasing Policy By-Law
This by-law explains how the township buys things, who in government is allowed to buy, and the ways the township sells vendors. It's all designed to keep things fair and accountable, as you can see in this download.
Purchasing Policy.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.8 MB

The Burpee and Mills Fire Department PSTD Prevention Plan By-Law 2017
The Burpee & Mills Fire Department PSTD
Microsoft Word Document 11.4 KB