Our township office is located at 8 Bailey Line Road, Evansville, ON P0P 1E0 and we're here to serve you. Need a map to get to the office/municipal complex? Click here.
Municipal office phone & fax: 705-282-0624
Email: burpeemills@vianet.ca
Monday-Thursday 8:30AM - 4PM
(closed Fridays and for lunch each day from 12:00 - 12:30)
Township Staff
Clerk-Treasurer - Patsy Gilchrist - pgilchrist787@gmail.com
Deputy Clerk-Treasurer – Lynn Jackes - burpeemills@vianet.ca
Roads Superintendent - Gye Taylor - burpeemillsroads@gmail.com
Township Council (to contact please call the Township office at 705-282-0624 or email burpeemills@vianet.ca)
Ken Noland – Reeve
Art Hayden – Deputy Reeve
Kim Middleton - Councillor
David Deeg - Councillor
Roger Morrell - Councillor
Building Permits and Inspections
Dan Osborne - Chief Building Official - dlkent@bellnet.ca - 705-282-2629
Amy McCarley - Bylaw Officer - burpeemillsbylaw@gmail.com. 519-505-2039
Volunteer Fire Department
Rick Graham - Fire Chief - 705-351-1777
Nikki Middleton - 705-282-4109